Tots and Touchdowns

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Losing sucks, but sometimes kids remind you of why you are here in the first place #coacheswife #footballlife

We played yesterday and lost.  One of those games we should of won but didn't. It sucks. It really sucks. As a wife of a coach you want all that weekly hard work to pay off. You want your husband to win. You want the TEAM to win. You see first hand how hard everyone worked all week and you still LOST. That IS football. I understand that, my husband does, the players do, most of the fans do........but my kids don't. 



Yesterday was the first time my daughter asked to go to the game with me. I have a two and a four year old, and most games we have a babysitter because it's too hard to ask them to stay still an entire game. She surprised me and asked to "go watch the football guys". I was pleasantly surprised and worried (she's the 2 year old). I was floored by how excited she was to be there. She shook her pom-pom, cheered, napped and of course snacked. She didn't hear the comments from the crowd, she couldn't sense the importance of that last play, she was there to see her Dad. 


After the game I had the usual feeling in my stomach after a loss. I had to say the awkward hellos to players and other coaches after the loss. Spoke to some families of players and had to give them a smile. I knew my husband was going to be upset after that loss. He came out from the curtain and my daughter ran to him.......then stopped (because the look on his face she hadn't really seen before)......then continued running when he put on a smile just for her. Sometimes it's in that chaos of the football season that you get a glimpse of what it's all about. Family. This game and career can be taken away tomorrow, and you are left with family. Family is the thing that is sacrificed, stretched to its limit, and is what is most important.