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Important things to know before your Disney Marathon weekend race

Important things to know before your Disney Marathon weekend race

We just returned from another successful #rundisney race weekend! I get messages all the time with questions about the races so I figured I should answer them here. Let's get started.


Before you even consider this race weekend these are important factors.

  1. Disney races are not cheap. Races in general are not cheap but Disney races are on a whole new level. I put a slideshow with the race prices below. I ran the 10k with the Scott Carter Foundation and paid $175 and then had to raise $250 minimum. Each charity is different and some include the cost of the race in their charity minimums. Kids races are $20 for the 100m and include a shirt. When include other costs it can really add up.

  2. There are alot of runners. This event attracts about 25,000 runners. That is alot of people. I was in corral B and still took almost 15 minutes to cross the start line. For the marathon I didn't put in a previous time and was put in the almost last corral and took almost an hour to start.

  3. You will not PR. As stated above you are running with alot of people. You are also running with first time runners and people trying to complete all 4 races. You will find MANY walkers, MANY!!!! If you are in a back corral you will spend the entire race trying to pass people. Disney races also have lots of narrow spots which meant at times I came down to almost a walk. There is no open road or time when you won't be surrounded by runners. You may run into many people that don't know running etiquette (like raising your arm when you are about to start walking) and it can be frustrating at times if you don't prepare for these types of runners.

  4. Besides the 5k and 10k you don't really run in the parks much. It is a very neat experience to run in the parks in general but some may be disappointed if they expect a whole race in the parks. The marathon is mainly spent running between the parks. Thankfully this year they added Blizzard Beach to the route and took out Wild World of Sports for the marathon

  5. The characters lines are long, especially the further back in the race you are. Honestly I have ran the races 4 times and not once have I stopped for a character. Why? No idea, but I just can't wait in a line that's long while people run past me. In the marathon I feel like if I stopped I wouldn't get going again. Lol. Character breaks are a saving grace to people and that's why they runthis race. I'm just saying don't expect to finish fast and have character photos.

  6. Florida weather is unpredictable in January. I have ran the races with starting temps from 37 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. So be prepared. Florida cold is very cold and the humidity can also be a problem. Prepare and pack accordingly.

  7. You have to be up EARLY. Every race starts at 5:30 am with the marathon starting at 5am. This year the course ran through the bus route and we had to be there early. I caught a bus at 4am with the last bus leaving at 4:30am. Waking up at 3:30am after a day in the parks can be tough. Lol.

  8. Staying at a Disney hotel is a must. Disney hotels run shuttles to and from the race. This year the race start was delayed for one start because people driving in had blocked the course. I have never driven in but was told you have to arrive really early to ensure you get a spot and don't get stuck in traffic.

  9. If running the Dopey or 5 k or an early race you only have one day to pick up your number. The expo opens the day before the first race starts. In my mind they need to open the expo at least two days before. I have been forced to leave the parks on two separate occasions to pick up numbers. And what you pay to get in the parks it's not always fun having to leave. This year it took me 90 minutes roadtrip to leave Epcot and get numbers. Also on the opening day of the expo everyone running the Dopey and 5k are definitely there and also those that can only go that day, so be prepared for crowds.

  10. At the expo they make you get your number in one place and shirt in another and kids ears in another…..etc. The expo is not a one stop shop. You go in and out of buildings getting everything. I ran to 3 different buildings and this actually was one less stop than previous years.


Now this list is just a quick reminder of something's to consider BEFORE you pay for that race. Many of these things are seen as positives to a runner but most are just a heads up because you may not expect them if you have ran previous races before. Not one of them has stopped me from running for the past 4 years.

Was there anything you didn't expect while running the Disney Marathon weekend?

Stay tuned for my blog about what I love about the race weekend.

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