Tots and Touchdowns

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Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland

With the opening of Galaxy's Edge at Walt Disney World, I thought I'd give a quick post about our experience. To start, I was nervous, especially after seeing how Pandora opened. We had day 2 reservations for 8am. I saw posts about lines for merchandise starting at 2am, I saw things about arriving super early. I was pleasantly surprised. My kids managed to get to bed at 7pm (which never happens, they didn't nap because we drove out and walked around Downtown Disney) and we were awake at 5:30 and at the gate by 6am. Everything from there moved smoothly. Disneyland must have studied crowd control and how it keep people moving. Right at 6 we were allowed into the park and moved to Torrowland to collect our wristbands. Next stop was right beside the Finding Nemo ride. That was the longest wait and still wasn't bad, and thank you to the Mom that watched my stroller while I ran to let my kids pee. From there they moved us to just outside the Galaxy's Edge just after 7am, and then we moved into the land at about 7:30. At about 7:50 they let us rip!!!! Lol. From there everyone just ran everywhere, and we just took our time to just take it all in. It is amazing! You truly feel like you're not in Disney anymore. All the muted tones, the architecture, the feel, and environmental music all came together perfectly. Our first stop was the blue milk, because of course it's blue. I can compare the taste to the pastel sour gummy worms, my kids loved it.

Because they always have to get the same. Lol.

The crowds in the land were there, but workable. It was a nice amount of people. My son's favourite was using the Disney Play app to go around the land to decode, translate and take jobs. He was 4 when we were there and it required me to read him all the stuff. It really sucked my battery, but luckily I came prepared. He loved it and was actually very good at it. Not sure if the Storm troopers knew or not, but he kept being referred to as a “genius code breaker”. Speaking of Storm troopers I really like how the characters just mingled with people and sorta were part of the land.

My son is a hugger and really wanted to hug the Storm trooper.

After we played with the app and walked around it was time for Smugglers Run. Thankfully my 3 year old was 38 inches tall! The line moved so fast, we waited about twenty minutes to get on the ride. We could of rode it multiple times. One thing I will note is when I got to the front of the line the cast member asked me the age of my children. According to him I could not have two kids under 7 by myself on the ride and asked a fellow rider if he would “watch” my son and thankfully he agreed. My kids were both pilots and I was crying laughing at how bad we flew. My daughter was the pilot on the right side and was in control of moving the Millennium Falcon up and down, she could only hold the controller down. When you exit the ride pay attention to the Millennium Falcon after….ours was smoking and alarms were going off. It was hilarious. My kids really enjoyed the ride.

People kept asking why the park looked empty?!?!? You can thank the awesome cast members for taking these pics

After the ride we decided to wait in line to get in Olga's Cantina, I read today that you can make reservations for the Hollywood Studios one. So make sure you do! At Disneyland it's the only place to get alcohol and for some reason has no bathrooms. Or they were lying to us. How that is legal I have no idea. I managed to grab two drinks. A Fuzzy Tuan Tuan (fuzzy navel) and whatever you call the signature fizzy drinks, my kids got the non alcoholic version that was like Gatorade and something else. Our food was a petri dish of a jello like substance with those “ball things” and some dried fruit on top. My son surprisingly liked the gelatenous food like thing and didn't really like the drink. He found it too sweet, which shocked even me. But after the blue milk it seemed like everything was too sweet and we needed to brush our teeth. I liked my drinks, just strong enough and tasty. They also had a two drink limit, so there wasn't much time to hangout. So I took the coasters. Lol. But it felt like we were in a cantina that would of been in a Star Wars movie.

After we left Olga's Cantina it was time to leave, 4 hours just flew by. We took the last 45 minutes to walk around and explore what the land had to offer. One thing I noticed is that it's hard to know what is in what spot, because all the store fronts are in Galaxy's Edge land talk. But I'm sure that's people's favourite part because it just adds to being in Galaxy's Edge. Now after all my ramblings I will say that it was an awesome morning. Below is a short video of what went down. Shout out to vloggers who have kids because it was nearly impossible to film while dangling cats.

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